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Belgium Impact Startup Awards
JCDecaux BeLux
Sponsors - JCDecaux BeLux
The story of Jean-Claude Decaux is above all an exemplary story of success through innovation, design and operational excellence. Although met with scepticism at the outset, his model is now the subject of admiration and respect.
Before long, he began to specialise in roadside displays, until the day when a finance law introduced a cripplingly high tax on roadside advertising that made it impossible for his company to survive. The same year, 1964, he invented the advertising bus shelter and the concept of advertising street furniture, which soon caught on worldwide: to offer cities bus shelters free-of-charge, managed and maintained by his company and financed through advertising.
« My whole career has been driven by a constant desire for excellence, a strong emphasis on design, and an obsession with always, always using our advertising-based business to serve the community »
Jean-Claude Decaux

Develop furniture and services that work for everyone
Following on from the Abribus® bus shelter, invented in 1964 to improve the use of public transport, JCDecaux develops and deploys responsible, co-constructed and inclusive innovations to improve city life.
Responding to new urban uses, they are also based on the Group’s fundamentals: sustainability, quality of construction and quality of service.
Our research and development structure, with nearly 200 engineers, designers and developers, are able to transform new ideas into sustainable and effective furniture. Our R&D teams draw inspiration from ESG as well as tools and methods that are focused on the ecodesign of the services offered by the Group.
Curb our other environmental impacts
« Recovery of rainwater, cleaning of water-saving furniture, ecodesign of furniture, use of certified paper and vegetable-based inks for our posters, PVC billboard fabrics, recycling of our waste, etc. Our desire to limit our impact on the environment is present at all stages of our value chain » – Eric Baumann International Operations Director
Contact Us
Please find all information on our website: